RYA & ICC Powerboat Training Courses

We offer a variety of Powerboat training courses at Ardingly Reservoir including RYA courses as well as Safety Boat courses. The RYA National Powerboat Scheme exists to meet the needs of all those who use small open power boats. We run courses for individuals, instructors, Sailing Clubs, groups and Government agencies.

Introduction to Powerboating Level 1

A one day taster that shows you the thrills of powerboating.

Cost: £tbc

Dates: By arrangement

Location: Ardingly Activity Centre, Ardingly Reservoir

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National Powerboat Certificate Level 2

A two day course giving a full practical guide to powerboating. Launching / recovery, high and low speed handling, maintenance and emergency procedures. Lots of practice and very exhilarating.

Cost: £tbc

Dates: By arrangement

Location: Ardingly Activity Centre, Ardingly Reservoir

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Safety Boat Course

A comprehensive course teaching how to provide safety and rescue boat cover. A practical course for escorting fleets of dinghies, windsurfers and canoes. A range of power craft are used. Courses are run at Ardingly Reservoir

Cost: £tbc

Dates: By arrangement

Location: Ardingly Activity Centre, Ardingly Reservoir

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