Please contact the fishing lodge on 01444 892549 to buy a day ticket by credit or debit card. If you need any more advice call 01444 892549 or email
03/03/2025 – 06/03/2025 Pike 5 x Jacks, 3 x 14lb, 1 x 15lb, 1 x 18lb, 1 x 20lb on Dead bait Hammerpoint/Balcombe Arm
01/03/2025 Jack Pike lure 7lb and Jacks on dead
16/02/2025 Pike 20.10lb Dead bait Causeway and Hammerpoint
09/02/2025 Pike 14lb dead bait Hammerpoint and 7lb pike Lure
31/12/24 Pike various Jacks Balcombe Arm/Main Res
25/12/24 Common Carp double (unweighted) Balcombe Arm
24/12/24 Pike 15lb on Dead bait Balcombe Arm
15/12/24 Pike various Jacks up to 9.12lb and 22.5lb Pike on Dead bait, Causeway
15/12/24 Common Carp 26lbs and Fully Scaled Mirror Carp about 10 lbs Balcombe Arm
08/12/24 Mirror Carp 38 Lbs Balcombe Arm – Photo courtesy of @brothercarp
6/10/2024 Mirror Carp 15lbs and Common Carp 10lbs near house on hill. Jack pike caught on mackerel bait.
4/10/2024 Carp 28lbs near Digby’s Bench
21/09/2024 Roach and Bream Balcombe Arm.
17/09/2024 Common carp 15 Lbs Digby’s bench area Balcombe Arm.
09/09/24 18lbs Common carp caught Balcombe Arm.
01/09/24 Southeast Reservoir Championship 32 fishing, 1st Andy 21Lbs, 2nd Joe 22lbs 10oz ,3rd Adam 21lbs 2oz
07/06/24 Carp 6 caught by one fisherman over night, best 25lbs.
03/06/24 Roach and bream in fence bay.
03/05/24 to 05/05/24 Carp 15lbs and 12lbsMill house end of Balcombe Arm, also 15 Lbs Common Carp , Stumps to Digby’s Bench 3 Carp various sizes.
30/04/24 Good Coarse fishing near Activity Centre
29/04/24 Large Carp 24lbs Balcombe Arm.
22/04/24 Pike 7 fish in 48 hours best 11, 12 and 17 lbs. Coarse fish Roach and Bream far side of the causeway.
15/04/24 Over 80 lbs of Roach and Bream on bank near Hammer point.
09/04/24 25 Pike caught by a pair of Season ticket holders 31 March to 7 April this includes 5 doubles with best 16lbs. 8 lbs pike also caught at Point before the Willows.
08/04/24 Roach and bream near Hammer point
21/03/24 Tench 5lbs Balcombe Arm
11/03/24 Pike 11lbs Bank opposite fishing Lodge.
05/03/24 Pike up Balcombe Arm 4 fish best 17lbs 12 oz.
19/02/24 Perch good fish on Hammer Point.
03/12/23 Pike 13 lbs and 9lbs Hammer point.
19/11/23 Carp Common 37lbs near Digby’s bench, 2 x 10lbs Pike Balcombe Arm. Water at 65% and rising.
05/11/23 Carp 24lbs 6oz Balcombe Arm.
22/10/23 Carp 24 Lbs, 21Lbs, 19Lbs & 2x 18 Lbs . Pike 11lbs and jack.
08/10/23 Carp 33Lbs 2 oz also 2 x 14 Lbs.
01-08 /10/23 Pike 8 fish, best up to ll Lbs .
02/07/23 Good perch in Fence bay, Bags of Bream and mixed course fish up Balcombe arm.
25/06/23 Common carp about 20lbs Balcombe Arm. Water level down o.5 m so some extra bank area exposed.
10/06/2023 Good bags of Bream and Roach at Fence bay.
30/04 2023 8 pike out today , 2 x Double the rest Jacks. a pair of season ticket holders have caught over 100 pike this season. PIKE SEASON ENDED , NO PIKE FISHING .
24/04/2023 Carp Balcombe Arm , 13 Lbs common carp .
10/04/23 Pike best 15lbs also 4 other pike Balcombe Arm.
05/04/23 Pike 14 lbs and 2 jack pike.
19/03/23 pike 13lbs, 11lbs and 3 jack pike Balcombe Arm.
05/02/23 The reservoir has been full since Mid December. Pike 9lbs opposite the Fishing Lodge, 1x 10.5 lbs Point before willows,. A 14lbs & 7lbs Pike in the stumps and 2 jacks in Bird hide Bay. Some roach out in the week in fence bay.
09/10/22 Pike season started well 3 x doubles and one jack Hammer point, also 5 pike in the willows 2 x 14lbs, 1x12lbs and 2 Jacks.
11/09/22 South East Reservoir Championships 32 PEGS top 5 catches 33lbs 6oz, 30lbs 4 oz, 30lbs 29lbs 4oz, and 29lbs 3oz.
,09/08/22 Good bags of coarse fish in the willows 40lbs + won the match .
27/03/22 Pike 2 x 12lbs, 13lbs and several jacks also range of pike up the Balcome Arm best about 11lbs.
11/03/22 Pike 4 fish with the best 14lbs in the willows.
06/03/22 5 x Jack Pike best Fish 10lbs, Good bream up the Balcombe Arm 5lbs and 7lbs Fish.
05/12/21 Over the last couple of week there have been various Carp caught in the Balcombe Arm up to about 30lbs. Good bags of coarse fish up to 30lbs of Roach, Perch and Bream from Balcombe Arm and fence bay area. Not many Pike fishermen but some have caught Jacks and also reports of Pike taking Roach as they were being reeled in.
07/11/21 Coarse fishing roach and bream opposite the lodge and down towards the willows, Carp fence bay and Balcombe Arm. Pike mainly 7 -10 Lbs Fish at the moment hammer point and opposite the lodge,
19/09/21 a number of mid double Carp up to 24lbs, Fishing match best bag 25lbs . Reminder Pike season ticket start 1st Oct and 1st Nov day tickets.
22/05/21 Common Carp 25lbs and Ghost Carp double Balcombe Arm. Also Roach to 1.5 Lbs
06/03/2021 Day Ticket fishing will re-start on Friday 2nd April
08/01/21 Although the Anglers Trust has confirmed that limited fishing is allowed we will remain CLOSED for all ACTIVITIES , NO FISHING.
04/01/21 Due to LOCK DOWN 3 the Fishery is closed , NO FISHING until the restrictions are lifted.
2/01/21 Roach and Bream near old Bird Hide, 3lb Bream some Roach and Perch near Hammer Point /far Side of the Causeway.
31/12/20 Good coarse fishing fence bay with Roach and Bream also some fish from hammer point.
29/12/20 Great Coarse fishing in Fence bay good Roach , Perch and bream.
18/12/20 Pike 20lbs 9oz caught near the Activity Centre.
24/11/20 Pike 15 lbs 9oz near willows.
22/11/20 Coarse Fish 70lbs bag near willows with over 14 great Bream and also Perch.
12/11/20 Coarse fish 30lbs bag mixed fish but including good Bream all near causeway /fence bay side.
11/11/20 Coarse fish 20lbs bag near causeway.
27/10/20 Carp 19lbs common Balcombe Arm.
24/10/20 Coarse fish match best weight 21lbs, 18lbs, 15lbs all caught lowest 8lbs area from willows towards the causeway.
23 /10/20 Pike 2 x 11lbs and jacks
21/10/20Pike 15lbs, 9lbs, 6lbs and 5lbs on dead Bait Hammer Point.
20/10/20 Pike 20lbs and 15lbs on dead Bait near Willows.
18/10/20 Pike 12lbs, 9,lbs and 3 lbs.
23/08/20 Fishing match best bag 60 lbs next best over 50lbs mixed coarse fish. Also 2 good carp out.
16/08/20 Fishing match Best bag 36lbs mixed coarse fish, most other bags around 20lbs.
14/08/20 Carp 3 fish best 25 lbs plus .
15/07/20 Fishing match, 12 Anglers best weight 22lbs last place 17lbs area willows to causeway.
09/07/20 Fishing match 52lbs coarse fish winning weight area willows to causeway.
07/07/20 Common and Mirror carp 25lbs main body of reservoir.
06/07/20 Mixed Coarse fish bags 30lbs Open bank
03 /07/20 Carp 35lbs and 30lbs Main body of reservoir.
02/07/20 Carp 14lbs near Hammer point.
22/06/20 Coarse fish 80Lbs bag on causeway area.
14/06/20 Open Bank Balcombe arm good bags of mixed coarse fish Roach, Rudd and Bream.
11/06/20 Bream / skimmers and very good Roach far end of Balcombe Arm.
Peg 88 good bream and some Roach, Old pond coarse fish.
10/06/20 Mixed coarse fish 40lbs, 20lbs and 15lbs near willows.
08/06/20 Bream 60 lbs bag of mainly bream Balcombe Arm.
07/06/20 Carp 2 fish over 20lbs main body of Reservoir, 15lbs carp near Digby’s bench.Perch and roach by Fishing Lodge, Bream and skimmers willows.
16/05/20 Over 60 fish Bream most between 2 -4Lbs to three anglers on Open bank of Balcombe Arm. Skimmers far end of Balcombe Arm. Some catching Coarse fish far side of the causeway.
15/05/20 Common carp over 30lbs and 11lbs Balcombe Arm, Lots of Coarse fish on open bank Balcombe Arm.
14/05/20 mirror carp south of old bird hide, perch Fishing lodge area also willows and Hammer point. Good bag of mixed coarse fish open bank of arm.
13/05/20 30 plus Bream 1-4lbs wooded section of Balcombe Arm, Perch and Carp open bank of Arm.
11/05/20 Coarse fishing at Ardingly will re-open at 0700 on Wednesday 13th May for season ticket holders and day tickets (which Must be obtained before fishing). This is subject to the Government guidelines details are on the Anglers Trust website. To Buy a day ticket please call 01444 892549 with credit or debit card details.
24/03/20 All fishing now closed due to Covid-19 restrictions.
23/03/20 Pike about 12lbs Balcombe Arm.
22/03/20 Coarse fish from wall next to lodge, Large bream Balcombe Arm also bream and Roach from Causeway area, 4 Jack Pike.
21/03/20 Bank fishing open all other activities Closed due to Covid-19 restrictions.
13/01/20 Pike 12 Lbs and 10lbs on dead bait Balcombe Arm.
12/01/20 Coarse fish 6 x Bream, also Roach and perch Balcombe Arm. Pike 14Lbs caught on Dead bait by Boat fishermen.
10/01/20 Coarse fish on Hammer Point.
08/01/2020 Pike 15lbs and Pike 9 lbs caught on dead bait near fishing lodge. . A few perch,roach and bream caught in the willows.
30/12/19 Reservoir Full, Bank and boat fishing has been slow over the last couple of weeks due to heavy rain and coloured water. Some jack Pike and coarse fish with larger carp seen but not caught.
01/12/19 Roach, Bream and perch open bank Balcombe Arm.
30/11/19 Carp 25lbs Common and 23lbs Mirror Carp Hammer point.
14/11/19 Jack Pike x 3 all around 10lbs Bank opposite the Lodge.
09/11/19 16lbs Mirror Carp from near to Digby’s Bench.
03/11/19 Carp 21Lbs Common also 3 Common Carp around 18Lbs Balcombe Arm. Pike opposite lodge.
27/10/19 Carp 22 lbs and 21 lbs Common Digby’s /Arm, 19Lbs Common Carp Near Causeway. Pike 17lbs and 9Lbs pike willows, 11lbs Pike point before willows.
26/10/19 Pike 9lbs and 5Lbs from Point before Willows.
20/10/19 Bream 25lbs bag in willows on corn and maggot, 17lbs bag skimmers also near willows, pike Hammer point.
19/10/19 Bream to bank fishermen, shoals of Bream Balcombe Arm. Jack pike to bank and boats.
06/10/19 Carp Common and Mirror various from 13 to 18 Lbs Balcombe Arm. 9 Pike up to 9lbs all on Lures opposite Lodge.
08/09/19 Coarse fish far side of causeway and near Old Pond. perch to boat fisherman.
07/09/19 Great Coarse Fishing Over 100lbs of fish in one session near to causeway, also 13lbs Carp near Digbys bench.
11/08/19 Fishing match Woldingham Club fishing main Body of Ardingly Reservoir …Best 4 weights Tony 51lbs 9oz, Phil 37lbs 10oz, Martin 31lbs 8oz, Keith 24 lbs 12 oz
11/08/19 Carp 31lbs near causeway, 2 x Carp 17lbs and 13 Lbs Balcombe Arm. Good roach and mixed coarse fishing.
06/07/19 Great perch 100lbs of Perch in each boat from across the reservoir.
02/06/19 Best catch 131lbs , 55 fish (Bream and Perch) on feeder and pole, 2nd place 15lbs, 3rd place 13lbs.
24/05/19 Bream and Roach bag up to 100 lbs by 1400, near causeway.
15/05/19 Bream and roach bag up to 150 Lbs in a day, near causeway.
10/05/19 Bream up to 7lbs in Fence bay
05/05/19 Common Carp near to causeway good Fish.
01/05/19 Bream 40 Lbs bag at Digby’s, End of Pike Season NO Pike Fishing.
14/04/19 Pike 15lbs Balcombe Arm, Pike 13lbs and Jack to Boat, 12lbs Pike and roach.
07/04/19 Carp common 20lbs and 12 lbs Balcombe Arm, Pike 18lbs, 12lbs and Jacks willows, Boats perch and jacks on lures also 2x 10lbs pike
31/03/2019 Pike 16lbs to boat fisherman on fly, 2 x 12 lbs pike on off wall by lodge.
22/03/19 and 23/03/19 Common Carp 31lbs Balcombe Arm, 14 lbs Common Arm, also Pike 17 lbs and Jacks. Perch and Bream (67 cm ).Hammer Point
21/03/19 Pike 12 lbs and 10 Lbs on dead bait open bank, also jack from boats
07/03/19 Pike 7lbs willows
06/03/19 Pike 5lbs Willows
05/03/19 Pike 10lbs Willows and 12lbs
02/03/19 Pike 8lbs Old Pond dead bait
28/02/19 Pike 13lbs 8oz Willows
21/02/19 Pike over 10Lbs on Mac dead bait from Activity Centre Quay
17/02/19 Pike 10lbs 12oz bank opposite the lodge
15/02/19 Pike 8lbs and 10lbs to boat fishermen. Reservoir almost full.
03/02/19 Pike 10lbs Willows on dead bait.
26/01/19 Pike 14lbs 8oz and Jack on Dead bait
28/12/18 Pike 11lbs and 9lbs dead bait near Willows
24/12/18 9lbs Pike point before Willows
16/12/18 Pike willows 16lbs, 5lbs, 10lbs and 6lbs.
Some of Nov /Dec Report lost from the site !
27/10/18 Good Carp 26 lbs and 24 lbs near Hammer point,
11/08/18 Hammer Point 100lbs of coarse fish Bream to 4lbs, good roach and perch.
12/06/18 Great bags of perch to boat fishermen in shallows on bank opposite the lodge.
08/06/18 35lbs bag of coarse fish in half a day near “Eel City”, also 34lbs Carp Balcombe Arm.
03/06/18 Excellent course fishing with good bags of Perch, roach and bream to both bank and boat fishing over the last few weeks. New Season ticket available.
27/04/18 9Lbs Bream Hammerpoint,7lbs 6oz Tench, 14lbs Carp Near Mill end of Balcombe Arm.
08/04/18 Pike 16Lbs 9 oz, and 18lbs 2 oz on dead bait on bank opposite the lodge also 14 lbs Pike open bank Balcombe Arm. fish feeding after spawning.
07/04/18 Pike 11lbs on bank by causeway , 7 jacks and a perch to boat fishermen, Good bream up Balcombe Arm.
02/04/18 Bream Balcombe Arm
26/03/18 Pike 18lbs Balcombe Arm
23/03/18 Pike 14lbs 8oz willows also 2 jacks, 6 other jacks from around the reservoir.
3/03/18 Pike 12lbs 4oz and 7lbs 11oz from willows on dead bait.
2/03/18 Fishing still open NO ICE on main part of the reservoir, some ice at the far end of the Balcombe Arm.
23/02/18 Pike in the Willows area 13lbs 8oz, 8 lbs, 5 lbs. 11/02/18 Pike 19lbs Willows also 8lbs Pike Willows area.
04/02/18 Pike 8lbls Willows area on Dead bait. Also 4 jacks on Lures from boats. 03/02/18 Pike 9lbs on dead bait Point before the Willows .
01/02/18 Good coarse fishing from the Quay by the lodge, 12 bream with some up to 3 to 4Lbs and 20 + Roach.
20/01/18 16lbs Pike on bank, 2x Jack, Boats one Jack and a 10lbs pike on Lure.
14/01/18 Over the weekend Pike as follows 15lbs on dead bait point before Willows, 2 x Jack Pike and a 12lbs pike on dead bait in the willows.
12/01/18 Coarse fish causeway/ willows. Pike 18lbs 120z ban opposite the lodge on dead bait. 04/01/18 Pike 18lbs 12oz bank opposite the lodge on dead bait, Coarse fish on causeway.
30/12/17 Pike 12lbs caught by boat fishing . 07/12/17 Pike 9lbs willows. 06/12/17 Pike 13lbs 8oz dead bait of Wall by Lodge, also Jack pike bank opposite the lodge. 03/12/17 Pike 12lbs 6oz Hammer point on dead bait. 06/11/17 Two Boats reported good Perch fishing, Balcombe bank best area. 05/11/17 Pike Stumps area of Arm 14lbs and 7lbs caught on Roach dead bait. Jacks from Willows and Perch to Boat fishermen. 02/11/17 Pike 2x 12lbs Hammerpoint and Balcombe Arm also 6 Jack between 3lbs and 8lbs. 31/10/17 Perch up to 2lbs, and jack Pike to boat fishermen. 30/10/17 Pike 8lbs near Boat park. 29/10/17 Bream to 4lbs up the Balcombe Arm, Pike 15lbs near causeway caught on Dead bait also various Jack pike around the Reservoir. 22/10/17 19lbs Pike Willows and various Jack pike . Also I double and Jacks from the Open bank. 13/10/17 Roach and Bream Reeds area up Balcombe Arm. Lots of Perch to boat Fisherman just off Lodge and near Valve Tower. 10/10/17 Pike 18Lbs 8oz and 18lbs 6oz by same angler on half Mackerel at Point before Willows 09/10/17 Jack Pike out to boat fishermen. 08/10/17 Pike 15lbs out to dead bait Hammer point , 3 Pike opposite the Lodge, Perch to one and a half pounds from boat, all other boats caught Jacks. 0710/17 Pike 7 fish on bank opposite the lodge Best 18lbs 10z , Bream on open bank from 2-4lbs also Carp out between Digby’s and Open bank. 01/10/17 Pike season started for season tickets 8 Jacks and doubles out on first day from willows to causeway. 22/09/17 More than a dozen Bream average 3lbs off wall in front of the Fishing Lodge, 12lbs Common Carp down Arm. 15/09/17 Tench 6lbs 2oz Balcombe Arm, Common Carp 11Lbs on the Open Bank, 12/09/17 The summer has seen some great fishing with the water levels well up. Recent catches, some excellent Perch from end of boat park. Various Carp both Mirrors and Common between 17lbs and 33lbs from the Balcombe Arm and Main Body of reservoir. Good bags of Bream and course fish in Willows and far side of the Causeway. Pike season tickets start 1st October and Pike day tickets start 1st November. 22/07/ 17 Carp 7lbs Mirror, 17Lbs Common Balcombe Arm. 16/07/17 Carp 17lbs Mirror Balcombe Arm , 23 lbs 8oz Common carp Balcombe Arm, Good bags of coarse fish willows 10/06/17 Carp 15lbs, 16lbs and 17lbs 09/06/17 Tench 10 lbs great fish . 02/06/17 Good Perch Bird Hide and Balcombe bank. Common Carp over 30lbs Balcombe Arm. 28/05/17 Carp over the last few weeks 13lbs, 17lbs and 3 over 20lbs. Also good Perch by activity centre, Balcombe bank, and willows. 11/04/17 Pike 13lbs, 7lbs and 5lbs on dead bait in willows, also a range of pike on lures in boat. 10/04/17 19lbs Pike on dead bait just reported, Coarse fish Roach and bream willows and Balcombe Arm 27/03/17 21lbs Pike on dead bait from Balcombe Arm. 16/03/17 Bream and roach off quay next to Activity Centre. 15/03/17 3 x Jack Pike Hammer Point in the shallow water 10/03/17 Tench 6lbs 8oz near Digby’s bench Balcombe Arm, also 2 Jack pike. 5/03/17 Pike 18lbs Balcombe Arm. 26/02/17 Pike jacks on bank over last few days , 1 x8lbs pike and 2 jacks on Lures by boat fishermen. Water 95%. 18/02/17 Reservoir water level now at 91%, Pike 3 jacks on lures form boat, 1 x 8lbs from wall on dead bait, 1x 9lbs willows on dead bait. 03/02/17 No Ice ! Water Level rising rapidly 24/01/17 Fishing possible on main body of reservoir, Balcombe Arm Frozen. 20/01/17 Pike 15lbs, also Jacks to boat. 11/01/17 Pike 25lbs 2oz and 20lbs on dead bait by reeds before willows swim. 08/01/17 Pike 5 x Jack pike on dead baits bank opposite lodge to near side causeway. Also 23lbs pike from earlier weekend 1st Jan reported. 31/12/16 Pike 20lbs near Willows, also 14lbs, 13 lbs dead bait, 9 lbs and 6lbs. 30/12/16 best fishing by boat today 19lbs Pike and 2 x Jack pike on dead baits dam wall end of Reservoir. Also 16lbs Pike on Hammer point. 29/12/16 Big Pike 26lbs with photo, on dead bait, bank opposite to the fishing lodge. Also Pike 101lb , Pike 6lbs Willows, Pike Jack near causeway. 28/12/16 Pike 5 x jacks some boat some bank. 22/12/16 Pike 10lds on dead bait. 1712/16 Pike in willows 2 x jack, 1 x 12 lbs and 1x 13 Lbs on dead baits. 04/12/16 Pike 20lbs on lure from boat, also 10lbs and jack on Lures from boat. 22/11/16 Jack pike 5 to 10 lbs out by boat and bank and some coarse fish. A very large Pike over 30lbs reported checking for proof ! Water level rising it has come up by 3% in last few days. 06/11/16 Over the last week we have had good bags of Roach and perch. A bank fisherman on the “point before Willows ” had a 11lbs, 14lbs and 11lbs Pike. There was a 16lbs Pike for a boat Fisherman near the bird hide also a number of jacks on Lures and Fly. 22/10/16 Over the last week lots of Jacks but today a boat fisherman caught 22lbs 8oz Pike on a lure, also 17lbs and 7lbs pike on Lure. Some roach out near the lodge. 17/10/16 18lbs Pike out to boat fisherman near Rowing Jetty. 20/09/16 Over the last couple of months we have see some excellent catches of coarse fish. The Roach and bream have been improving daily with over 60 to 100 roach being caught by good anglers in a day. The bream have also been very good. Both Bank and boat fishing has worked for the coarse fish.Best areas are by the lodge, Willows, Far side of the causeway and open bank Balcombe Arm. Those who need to know about the carp are aware of the fish that have been caught. Pike Season starts 01/10/16 for season ticket holders and 01/11/16 for Day Tickets. 09/05/16 Good Coarse fishing ….very good perch fishing next to the Lodge bank or boat. PIKE SEASON OVER. 30/04/16 Probably the best pike of the year out ….no scales to confirm weight but estimate 27 to 30 Lbs great photo. 23/04/16 Over the last few day we have the following :- Boats 22lbs Pike, 15 lbs and 11lbs pike all on lures in the shallows, also lots of Jacks one boat had 7 fish. On the bank Balcombe Arm 18lbs, and 17lbs Pike on dead baits, also Open Bank 20 lbs Pike, and in the Willows 15lbs Pike and 2lbs Perch. 19/04/16 Pike 13lbs 9oz from boat on smelt, also 8lbs and 5lbs pike same boat. 18/04/16 pike 7lbs bank also perch up Balcombe Arm 03/04/16 33lbs common carp caught on causeway, good coarse fishing up Balcombe arm . Boat fishing 5x Perch and 7 x jack Pike on Lures, also boat 8 x Jack pike on lure 05/03/16 Pike over 27lbs caught of wall/quay by fishing lodge, the scales only went to 27lbs so we are not sure how big it was ! 13/02/16 Pike 24 lbs caught off wall/quay by fishing lodge, Some great roach being caught wooded section of Balcombe Arm … Fishermans quote” caught a superb Roach about Pound and a half great fish looked like it had never been caught before.” 28/01/16 Pike 20lbs caught on Roach dead bait wall/quay by fishing Lodge. Jacks in willows. 24/01/16 Mixed bags of coarse fish from Quay next to the Fishing Lodge. 15lbs Pike in the Willows and 19lbs Pike near the valve tower. 05/01/16 The reservoir is now full, there are some new swims on “Old Pond”, Hammer Point and Reeds. Some good pike 23lbs, 22lbs and 20lbs as well as lots of fish 10 to 15lbs. Willows and bank opposite the lodge have been good areas in the last week. Boat fishing on a lure has also proved productive. Carp fishing… 4 good fish out recently. Special offer for season ticket holders bring a friend fishing in January for half price, day ticket £5.50(day time only). 30/01/15 Reservoir still clear of Ice 26/01/15 Some good Roach from boat park quay. 25/01/15 Pike Jack from boat park quay, also Jack from boat on a lure. 24/01/15 Pike 12lbs Open bank, Jack from Boat on a lure. 20/01/15 Pike 22lbs 14oz near Willows. 16/01/15 Pike 19lbs 12oz from willows. 11/01/15 Jack Pike from Boat, Jack from Boat House Wall and from Hammer point (caught on Lure). 10/01/15 News… Hot refreshments available at weekends delivered to your swim, Place your order by ringing 01444 892549 before 0930 and it will be delivered to your swim by boat around 11.00. Bacon roll and tea or coffee £3.00, Bacon and egg roll and tea or coffee £3.50, Doughnuts or Cookies £0.70. 09/01/15 22Lbs 12oz Pike and 12lbs 11ozPike out between Willows and Causeway. 08/01/2015 Two Jack pike out to boat fishermen on Lures. 03/01/2015 some good coarse fishing from the quay side at the fishing lodge, some jacks out to bank and boat. Best reported fish for 2015 19lbs pike. Limited Pike and carp season tickets available until the end of the season 30 April (Pike) and 31st May Carp. [/box]